will I burn myself ?
projet 4:4:1
4 chorégraphes : 4 semaines : 1 thématique partagée.
Deux artistes émergents basés à Berlin et deux basées en Normandie sont invités pour un programme international de résidence longue et immersive.
Pendant quatre semaines, dès le mois d’octobre, les chorégraphes s’engagent simultanément dans la création d’un prototype de solo tout en bénéficiant d’un accompagnement dramaturgique, théorique, musical et technique.
During an intensive residency of 4 weeks, the choreographers are being invited to explore the thematic of “impossible repetitions”. Exploring repetition through movement, gesture or structure means engaging with its impossibility. The pleasure that derives from it has something to do with its impossible ending, but also with a becoming undone through it, with a process of learning, re-learning and unlearning how to be who we are, beyond what we already know…
4:4:1 is probing various approach of performance by offering a embodied experience which lays toward aesthetic movement research. It takes the shorter towards a new way of experience performance, where physicality is explored and presented collectively.
Charlotte Rousseau a donc créé "WILL I BURN MYSELF?"
"I don't care about my chances
I don't care about Time
Or my discouragement
But I need to continue, try Again.
I want to follow the brightness in the dark
even burnt I will fall and raise "
ch rousseau
chorégraphie & danse : Charlotte Rousseau
Original Music : Borusiade
Durée : 12 minutes
distribution du projet 4:4:1
Choreography : Charlotte Rousseau, Flora Pilet, Sebastian Abarbanell, Steven Fast
Original Music : Borusiade
Light Design : Shaly
Mentorship : Eirini Kartsaki, Judith Sanchez Ruíz
Creative Production : Pierre Renard
Production : CDCN Chorège, supported by DRAC Normadie and NEUSTART Kultur - Initiative Musik